Last Thursday Zikr of 2019 of this Decade

As Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu

The last Thursday Naqshbandi zikr of 2019, and of this decade, is dedicated to the Holy Prophet, peace & blessings be upon them, the Holy Companions RA, their Inheritors and all of the Prophets (AS) and Saints, known and unknown (QS) in every existence. And especially for the Naqshbandi Golden Chain grandsheikhs, Shah Naqshband QS, Sultan ul-Awliya ad-Dagestani QS, Maulan Sheikh Nazim al-Haqqani ar-Rabbani and Sheikh Muhammad ar-Rabbani, we ask Allah Almighty through all their honour and blessings to forgive me, us and all of the Ummah of Holy Prophet, peace & blessings be upon them.

This humble zikr is also dedicated to all the souls passed away in the year, so many of faith and few of tariqah, friends, family, mothers and fathers, grandparents returning to their creator. The zikr is also dedicated to Tom Burns, and many like him, who supported their children to marry a muslim. Sultan Baba, Maulana Sheikh Nazim al-Haqqani ar-Rabbani QS, said “he who loves a Muslim is a Muslim.”

Inshallah we will all meet again in the new decade.

Bir hurmati Habib bir hurmati anzalta surat al-Fatiha for all only One.

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