Happy New Islamic Year – 1st Muharram 1445 -19th July 2023

MUHARRAM MUBARAK – Happy New Year 1445!

All praise & thanks belong to Allah Almighty who deserves only to be worshipped without partner and He has Power and Dominion over all things.

May Allah Almighty send his choicest salaams on Sayyidina Muhammad SWS-His family, His Companions and Inheritors RA, more numerous in multiplication for as many rain drops ever brought into existence in creation and outside of His creation, and only He knows that amount.

May Allah Almighty forgive us and bless us all more, treat us even more gently with more patience, answer our duas in this holy month of Muharram and reward our intentions and actions. Ameen.

Happy New Hijri Year 1445!


Adab for the month of Muharram

As advised & following beloved Maulana Sheikh Nazim al-Haqqani ar-Rabbani  ق practices on the Adab of Muharram:

1. Insha’Allah one should fast on the 1st day of Muharram. However if unable to, then one can make sadakah instead of fasting.
According to Hadith, it is advisable to fast on the 9th and 10th of Muharram, or 10th Muharram.

It was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas (May Allah Almighty be please with him) that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “If I live until next year, I will fast the ninth day (of Muharram) too.”

Sunan Ibn Majah 1736
Book 7, Hadith 99
Eng; Vol. 1, Book 7, Hadith 1736

2. As observed by Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Al-Haqqani Ar-Rabbani ق, he used to performed 4 rakaat of Salat’ul Tasbih,

3. 100x Iklas

4. 100x Salawat

5. Then read the dua of the 1st of Muharram.

Muharram Al-Haram is one of the 4 sacred months which has immense blessings in which everyday has It’s own special Tajjali especially Yaum Al-Ashura. The Awliya’s are granted their Wilayah in this month opening their 6 realities and granted Maqam Ash-Shuhood ( Station of Witnessing ) which is the Head of The Hijrah by beginning with the practice of every Mu’min when the Moon of Muharram arises.

– One must take a full shower (Ghusl) and pray 2 Rak’ah Sunnat’ul Ghusl for welcoming the New Hijri Year and the Holy Month of Muharram Al-Haram.

– Then one reads the Dua of bidding farewell to the previous year Three times:

Bismillāhi ’r-Raħmāni ’r-Raħīm wa sallahu alaa Sayyidina Muhammadin wa’alaa aalihii wa sahabihii wa sallam. Allaahumma maa ‘amiltu fii haa’dihis sanati mimma nahaitanii ‘anhu fa lam atub minhu wa lam tardhahu walam tansahu wa halimta ‘alayya ba’da qudratika ‘alaa uquubatii wa da’autanii ilat taubati minhu ba’da jiraa-atii ‘alaa ma’shiyatika. Fa innii astaghfiruka faghfirlii bi fadhlika. Wa maa ‘amiltuhuu fiihaa mimmaa tardhaahu wa wa’adtanii ‘alaihits tsawaaba wa as-aluka allahumma ya kariimu yaa dhal jalaali wal ikraami anta taqabbalahu minnii wa laa taq tha’a rajaaiiminka yaa kariim. Wa sallahu ‘alaa Sayyidina Muhammadin wa’alaa aalihii wa sahabihi wa salam.

For the last day of the year, which was on Tuesday, one can pray 2 rakaat of Tawba for the past year. This is the same as Tasbih prayers but instead of Tasbih, one recites Astaghfirullah.

After finishing Tawba prayers, one may recite the dua for forgiveness as appears to him/her. Also make dua for Ashura Mubarak as well as fasting on the 9th & 10th of Muharram.

Then after Maghrib prayer on the same day, recite the beginning-of-year du’a to welcome the New year

Bismillāhi ’r-Raħmāni ’r-Raħīm.Wa sallahu alaa Sayyidina Muhammadin wa’alaa aalihii wa sahabihii wa sallam Allaahumma antal abadiyyul qadiimul awwal. Wa ‘alaa fadhlikal ‘azhiimi wa juudikal mu’awwal. Wa haa’dzaa ‘aamun jadiidun qad aqbal. Nas-alukal ‘ishmata fiihi mina’sh shaithaani wa auliyaaihi wajunuudihi wal ‘auna ‘alaa haadzihin nafsii ammaarati bissuui wal istighaala bimaa yuqarribunii ilaika zulfaaya dzal jalaali wal ikraam. Wa sallahu ‘alaa Sayyidina Muhammadin wa’alaa aalihii wa sahabihi wa salam.

It is said that whoever reads this du’a 3 times, Allah will appoint two Angels to accompany that believer, protecting him from fitna from shaitan, in the coming year. Shaytan will give up and try next year.

(ref from Sheikh Adnan Kabbani)

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